A reader aseked:
"Im emo, and the money is kinda low right now to buy all this stuff. Im not
goth so dont send me to a goth store(ew). I did some closet cleaning giveing
away the stuff that dont fit anymore and right now i barley have any clothes in
my closet and I only have 1 pair of shoes left I grow so fast...! My mom says
the type of clothes I get are too high in pRice. So I need help."
Suggest :
"winners, the gap, old navy. just go to the mall. u can find lots of deals.
oh and urban behaviour "
Here are some fashion emo clothes for girls and boys, and our readers can have a reash ideas on choosing emo clothes
Emo clothing sites are hard to find,here you can find excellent suggestions for your Emo clothes.Across passed few years, popular rave fashion has gone from eccentricites in early 90s to fat rave trousers, photon ligts, and glowsticks from now, and still more.
Today Emo clothes are very tight black jeans,band t-shirts with no designs(gray, brown, and black), black plastick glasses,small piercings, and as shoes converse All stars or vans,shoulder bag with pins.
Emo Clothes
Emo Clothes 2008
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